Questions and Answers
Why did Mercy Parish build a multi-purpose building (MPB) first?
We are a new parish. The expense of building a parish church would present a debt far too large for a small, growing parish to undertake. We had resources to build the initial phase of the multi-purpose building and this enabled the parish to begin its journey on its new property. The MPB accommodates Mass and parish life activities under one roof until the capital campaign program allows the parish to build its church.
What is the plan for building the church?
The latest updates for the new church can be found on the Capital Campaign page.
How can I make a financial donation?
Donations in the form of checks may be made out to “Most Merciful Jesus Catholic Parish” and sent to 10509 Segers Road, Madison, AL 35756. Also, online donation information is found on the Online Giving page.
Who do I contact with questions?
Send an email to the Additional contact information is on the Contact Us page.
I recently moved to the area - what church should I attend?
The simple answer is, you can attend any parish, as it is a matter of your personal choice. Your choice is not driven by boundaries or proximity.
Is there a Catholic school for my children to attend?
Registered parishioners of Mercy Parish may send their children to St John’s Catholic School at the parishioner tuition rate. The school’s website is This is in keeping with the philosophy that St John's and Mercy Parish are two parishes working together to support the Madison Catholic community.
Where will my children attend Religious Education (RE)?
Religious Education is held in the classrooms of the Mercy Parish MPB every Sunday of the school year. For the latest information, visit the Faith Formation page.
How can I get involved?
By filling out the Time and Talent survey on our website on the Time & Talent page under Welcome. Your interests will be recorded, and sent to all ministry leads. They will contact you.
Do parishioners that register with Mercy Parish automatically leave their old parish? Will our old parish be notified?
You should be registered with only one parish. So, yes, do notify your current parish when you register with Mercy Parish so that you can be taken off their rolls. This will ensure things like collection envelopes, etc., are no longer printed or provided for at the old parish.
Can a person belong to two parishes, receive two sets of envelopes, etc? Can we have split families (husband in one parish & the wife in another)?
The preference is that a family register with one church.
Who is a Charter Member or Founding Member?
A Charter Member or Founding member is one of the original members when an organization was founded; that is, one who becomes a member when the organization received its charter. For Mercy Parish, it was decided by the Parish Coordination Committee (PCC) that those registered between July 1 and October 31, 2016 will be considered Founding/ Charter members.