Youth Group
Mercy Parish Youth Groups
Teens @ Your Mercy: High School
J.O.Y (Jesus Others Yourself): Middle SchoolÂ
Youth Group: Sunday Nights Twice a month for all High School and Middle School Youth @ 6PM
 CCT: High School Catholic Coffee Talk Sunday mornings at 10AMÂ
SUNDAY EVENING YOUTH GROUP: MPYG (Mercy Parish Youth Group) welcomes all youth entering the 6th through 12th grade. The Youth Group meets regularly twice a month on Sunday evenings from 6-8PM. We offer faith topic discussions, games & activities of all kinds, and AMAZING fellowship and snacks. We also host 2 annual retreats both in the Fall and Spring and 2 Days of Service one in the Fall and one in the Summer! AND so much more! We are here to make a difference at Mercy Parish!
SUNDAY MORNING CCT: All Youth who are in High School and have already beenconfirmed or have completed Faith Formation classes through grade 10 at Mercy Parish are invited to join our High School Sunday Morning program that runs weekly (according to Faith Formation Schedule) from 10AM – 11AM called CATHOLIC COFFEE TALK or CCT.  Please join us for youth driven discussions on Catholic topics with the teens driving the conversation. Â
Please sign up for EVENTS by clicking on this link or send an email to the YouthCoordinator and you will be added to our weekly email list!  Also keep a close eye on the parish bulletin as you will find ALL MPYG activities listed there!